In this day and age social media has become an amazing platform for people of all ages to share their voice. Mankind has many talents in all facets of life, and in the last decade with the ever growing popularity of YouTube we are now able to access and share in other peoples lives. It's about staying connected. It's about equality of expression. It's about one human who will never have the opportunity to travel reach out with their words of encouragement and be heard across the land. One area of interest that is ever increasing in its popularity are the expressions given by our youth. The children are speaking and sharing, and the people are listening. Inspirational kids all over the globe are fascinating us with their stories. They are sharing pieces of their lives through their creative expression of video.
Videos of all sorts are making their way to millions of people via the world wide web. It's amazing to think of how far we've come in just a few decades. Motivational kids making motivational videos that are inspiring all age groups. The babes are reaching the adults in ways never thought possible. Who would of thought a few decades ago that a four year old little girl could move an elderly woman to tears from across the globe. It is happening now. These words of encouragement are stirring up emotion in all areas of humanity. Inspirational kids are touching us with their innocence and untarnished zest for life. Their passion comes from a pure and unselfish place that makes us truly believe in something that we thought wasn't possible. These videos make people laugh and cry.
Some of these videos we can relate to in our personal lives and it touches us to know that someone else out there shares in our same experiences. It brings us together and links us in a fascinating meshwork of connectedness. Our children's generation will accomplish great things. The access to information via the internet is exponentially expanding in what will make for an spectacular generation of motivated kids. It will be exciting to see what our youth will do with the tools they have been given in this new information world.